Specializes in geriatric nephrology, acute kidney injury, in-center hemodialysis, home hemodialysis, and clinical trials. Does research in Egypt.
Global Scholars
Global Scholars
Comprehensive List of Global Scholars and their Research Areas
School of Medicine
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in amebiasis vaccine development, biomarkers of Clostridium difficile disease severity. Diarrheal diseases remain a leading cause of mortality mainly due to lack of effective vaccines. Abhyankar has optimized a “plug-and-play” adjuvant platform for developing vaccines against mucosal pathogens. He is leading preclinical studies to optimize efficacy of a candidate amebiasis vaccine. These studies will support the advancement towards first-in-human testing. Currently working with collaborators in Bangladesh and Seattle, US.
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Transnational German History and Culture, European Studies, History and Theories of Fascism, Democracy Studies, Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, Historical Political Culture of Green Ideas and Practices
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Contemporary Arabic Literature, Arab Feminism(s), Literary and Trauma Theory, Gender Studies, Queer Arab Studies, Autobiography, Travel, Fantasy, War Narratives, Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature, and Comparative Literature
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America, Western Europe
Specializes in the intersection of philology, linguistics, and historiography in Spain and in the Americas. She is particularly interested in language ideologies and in the history of Spanish language teaching in the United States and in Latin America.
Research Region:
Latin America
Anthropological archaeologist who specializes in the rise of sociopolitical complexity in ancient pre-Columbian societies
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in the classic texts of rabbinic Judaism (midrash, Mishnah and Talmud)
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in factors affecting the size and role of government in selected cases in Western Europe and also the United States, and how they influence conservative attempts at reform of welfare states
Religious Studies
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in philosophy, religion, and ecology in South Asia
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in waste and space, memory and modernity in post-dictatorship Spanish cultural production, including photography, documentary, narrative, comics, film and television
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in organizational economics of public sector workers in developing countries. Her current research investigates discretionary allocations in a bureaucracy in Pakistan and shows that when senior bureaucrats have the discretion to promote juniors, they do so meritocratically.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in medieval Jewish and Islamic cultural and intellectual history, and the connections between Jewish and Muslim communities in the Mediterranean and Middle East
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Italian Children’s Literature, Media, and the History of Childhood in Italy, Film Adaptation and Italian Cinema and Television, Italian American Studies, and Italian-Language Pedagogy
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in endocarditis and blood stream infections
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the literature and cultural history of post-classical Greece, including the texts, treatises, and rhetorical exercises at the heart of ancient education, and how the various stages of schooling from grammar to rhetoric shaped the reception and literary criticism of canonical texts
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in Texas, Mexico, and the ways humans, plants, and the land create history and culture together. Her work largely investigates the science of plant medicine and healing in Texas and Mexico, and its complex relationship with the environment, colonialism, and transnational understandings of race.
Research Region:
Latin America, South Asia, Multiregional
Specializes in globalization, with interests in trade and the political economy of development, gender and work, international labor standards and global supply chains; has conducted fieldwork in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Bangladesh
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in Quantitative Health Policy Research, Pharmacoepidemiology and Health Services Research, Social Epidemiology, Healthcare Outcomes Research, Global Health, all with a focus on Health Disparities.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in new blood purification techniques that hold promise for acutely ill patients with kidney and liver failure. In collaboration with the Nigerian counterpart at Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, was awarded support to continue the International Society of Nephrology’s Sister Renal Center (ISN-SRC) program for two years in 2023 and 2023. Speaks Yoruba.
Research Region:
Specializes in long-term ethnographic field research in two regions of the Pacific island nation, Papua New Guinea: Orokaiva in Oro Province and Arapesh in East Sepik Province. Also specializes in global comparison of forms of the corporation historically and geographically.
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the intersections of Indigeneity, race, gender and development. His long-term research is grounded in a decade-long ethnographic engagement with the Amazonian Kichwa (also spelled Quichua) people of Ecuador’s Napo province.
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Drama, German and European literature of the 18th and early 19th, late 19th and 20th centuries, literary theory, and feminism
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in Public Health Policy, Law, and Ethics and led university-wide efforts to develop the undergraduate Global Public Health Minor and Global Public Health Major programs.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in modern European art and art historical theory and methods
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Western Europe, Middle East
Specializes in modern Jewish thought and intellectual and cultural history and Jewish life in Central Europe, Italy, the Yishuv and modern Israel
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the history of science and technology within the early modern Spanish empire and its global colonies, especially Latin America
Research Region:
South Asia, Africa, Middle East
Specializes in the economic and legal history of the Indian Ocean and Islamic world, including crossover in East Africa
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in modern and contemporary French literature and visual culture
Research Region:
Specializes in a general theory of gender stratification and an evolving theory of gender and economic development.
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in Russian and Methods of Teaching Slavic Languages
Research Region:
Africa, South Asia, Western Europe
Specializes in Comparative Literature, National and Cultural Identity construction in postcolonial contexts, Literary Theory and Aesthetics, Theory of the Novel, Theory of Postcolonial Subjectivity, Postcolonial Cultural Historiographies, Multiculturalism, Multilingualism, Cosmopolitanism, Identity politics and Gender Studies, Translation studies, and World Literature within the contexts of Literature of the XIX to XXI century, Mediterranean Studies, North Africa, Egypt, Mauritius, and Bengal.
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in International Development. At the World Bank, Braithwaite worked on social protection policy and poverty analysis. She specialized in the study of medium-income Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini), Turkey and the former Soviet Union countries. She provided policy advice to governments while on negotiating missions and staff visits, and her many World Bank reports include poverty assessments for Turkey, Russia, Armenia, Moldova, Hungary, and Ukraine, as well as social protection and labor reviews for Botswana, Kosovo and Eswatini. In addition, she has operational experience in Cambodia, Colombia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Jamaica, Jordan, Georgia, Mauritius, Kosovo, Bosnia, Romania, and Turkmenistan.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Burmese (Myanmar) Buddhism, particularly Burmese traditions of meditation and, following from that, in the transformations of meditative practices (and the understandings of reality they convey explicitly and implicitly) as they spread around the world
Research Region:
Latin America
Professor Emeritus who specializes in Latin American history, with an emphasis on political culture and daily life in the twentieth century.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in ethics and political philosophy, with particular attention to moral psychology and Aristotelian ethics
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America, Indigenous North America
Specializes in hemispheric and transatlantic literary relations, literature and slavery, settler colonialism, and catastrophe in the Americas
School of Medicine
Research Region:
No bio available
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in understanding how immune responses and environmental exposures in the intestine impact the broader immune system, including the fundamental process of hematopoiesis. Her work explores how alteration of mucosal immunology by changes in the microbiota and infection with pathogens influences the systemic immune response and severity of later mucosal infections and inflammatory disease.
Research Region:
Africa, Western Europe
Specializes in twentieth century West African history and the history of gender and sexuality in French empire.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Italian women’s writing, cultural studies and gender studies
School of Nursing
Research Region:
Specializes in hospice and palliative care decision-making and outcomes.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in Brazilian Culture(s) with an emphasis on television, new media, and popular culture
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Latin literature of the early Empire, particularly the narrative structures of Latin epic, and the intersection of gender and genre in Latin poetry
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Environmental Humanities and ecocriticism, Italy
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in postcolonial literature and film, studies of race, gender, and sexuality, and cultural studies, particularly the various theoretical intersections between these areas including but not limited to transnational approaches to the study of literary culture, aesthetic responses to globalization, modes of minority discourse, and borders and diaspora cultures, particularly in relation to South Asia
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in the intersections of gender, religion and politics between the late 17th and 20th centuries in South Asia. Geographical locations: South Asia, Indian Ocean, British Empire, Global South and International. Thematic interests: Gender, Slavery and Abolition, Law, Household and Monastic Governments.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Urdu language instruction.
McIntire School of Commerce
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in behavioral decision theory, pricing and promotion effects, auctions and online purchase behavior, and word-of-mouth influences. He earned his B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering, from Delhi University, India and his MBA in Marketing from the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, India. In the 2016 January Term he led a group of UVA students in a survey of a variety of businesses in Delhi and Mumbai in India.
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
Specializes in translational research,
entrepreneurship, and technology transfer and founding program director of the UVA- Coulter Translational Partnership.
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the literary and intellectual traditions of classical China, as well as broader issues in literary and cultural theory
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in pedagogy of Chinese language instruction.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in infectious diseases and biodefense, especially the underlying mechanisms by which tissue immune cells cause chronic disease following respiratory viral infection including respiratory syncytial virus, influenza or SARS-CoV-2.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in narrative medicine, reflective education for professionals, the moral formation of the physician, interprofessional learning, and uses of the arts and humanities in preparation for professional practice. Professor emerita of medical education and Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor Emerita in the School of Medicine. Has co-led a Seminar in Ethical Values for law and medical students since 2002.
Women, Gender, & Sexuality
Research Region:
Specializes in the histories of race, gender, and sexuality in Jamaica
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Indigenous North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe
Specializes in the intersection between science and the humanities with a geographic focus in the Arctic—a vast, heterogeneous, and rapidly transforming region that is at the frontline of climate extremes and climate change. Co-director of the Arctic Design Group (with Matthew Jull).
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Koprean language instruc
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in film, popular culture, and literature written by or about those of East Asian and Southeast Asian descent, particularly surrounding the Second Indochinese War and its impact on Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and the U.S. Also focuses on transnational circulation of East Asian cinemas and popular culture and its impact on U.S. racial politics.
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in anthropogenic carbon flows and the ways that CO2 is manipulated, reused, and sequestered in engineered systems. The results of his work are important for developing efficient strategies for mitigating the emissions that are driving climate change. Has worked in partnership with the CLIOPE group at the National Technological University of Argentina, Mendoza. Has published on energy system modeling in Puerto Rico.
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in the interactions between literature, philosophy, religion, and utopian thought and the question of imagined geography and perceptions of space and place in contemporary Russian culture
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in Program Evaluation Consumer Health Informatics; Biomedical Informatics Survey Research & Qualitative Methods Program Planning & Project Management.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Medical anthropologist with extensive experience researching HIV and masculinity; health activism and community health governance; trauma, subjectivity and narrative; and the interface between communities and health systems in the context of HIV/AIDS, TB and maternal and child health with significant research in South Africa.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in nineteenth and twentieth-century Russian literature, especially the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Vladimir Nabokov, Russian and East European cinema
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in law and economics, international relations, international law, immigration and refugee law, judging, torts, defamation. Co-editor of the inaugural Oxford University Handbook on Comparative Immigration Law.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in ancient Roman sexuality, education, and rhetoric
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Western Europe, Africa
Specializes in the history and theory of modern architecture and cities, particularly in Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean region
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in mechanisms of antimicrobial action and microbial strategies of resistance.
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Specializes in sustainable relationships between specific cultures and built environments, specific challenges and opportunities found in emerging megacities and villages.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in cellular and molecular mechanisms of Neisserial pathogenesis
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Indigenous North America, Latin America
An Indigenous artist born in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. Specializes in topics of Latinx immigration, social art practice, cultural sustainability, and transborder indigeneity.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Aegean prehistory (3000-1100 BCE), ceramic analysis and technology, social aspects of technology and technique, memory and material culture, artifact and cognition, embodied and multisensorial approaches to material culture, the politics of the past, landscape archaeology and reconnaissance survey, remote sensing, LIDAR, and the uses of digital technology in the humanities.
Research Region:
Oceania, East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in research in the Kula Ring of Papua New Guinea but now extends that interest to its historical beginnings in East Asia. Structuralism, World-systems theory and Historical Ecology offer his theoretical focus. United States culture as a representative Western social system background his other regional interests.
Research Region:
Latin America, Caribbean
Linguistic anthropologist who specializes in the Mopan Maya language and its relatives in the Mayan language family
Media Studies
Research Region:
South Asia, East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Asian American Studies and Gender Studies, particularly issues related to immigration and history related to people from East and South Asia.
Research Region:
Specializes in music and sound studies, law, and anthropology, exploring the limits and possibilities of voice, music, sound, and silence in political contexts. Previous research has been on voice and quietness in Guinea.
Darden School of Business
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in international trade, multinationals, trade policy, and water. Has studied the economics of water, especially in a global context and currently investigates, together with The Nature Conservancy, the use of water markets for environmental purposes in the United States, Chile and Mexico.
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in the areas of international law, national security, intelligence and the laws of war. She has written articles on the use of force, executive power, secret treaties, the intersection of national security and international law, and the laws of armed conflict. Served as the embassy legal adviser at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, during Iraq’s constitutional negotiations
Research Region:
Mamadou Dia is an award-winning Senegalese film director, screenwriter, and co-founder of the production company, Joyedidi. Often based on his life growing up in West Africa, Mr. Dia’s films explore the tension between fact and fiction, realism and abstraction
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in Russian literature and the visual arts, Russian Orthodox revival, heritage preservation, 19th-century prose, cultural and museum studies, art and society, national culture and identity, and contemporary literature
Research Region:
Western Europe, Middle East, Africa
Specializes in ancient historical writing, chiefly Greek, particularly late Classical and early Hellenistic historiography, and the intersection of the cultures of ancient Greece, Egypt, and the Near East
Research Region:
Linguistic anthropologist who specializes in the Arapesh languages of Papua New Guinea and language use as a cultural practice, especially community shift from local languages to languages of wider communication
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the intersections of media technologies and environmental design, German cinema of the silent period, role of architecture and environmental design in the production, exhibition, and aesthetics of cinema in Germany from 1900 to 1930, media studies, environmental humanities, and disability studies
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in European political thought and intellectual history with a particular focus on modern France, democratic theory, queer theory, critical theory, visual culture, and the history of the left
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in the teaching of anesthesiology in developing countries in Africa with work in Tanzania and Rwanda.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in teaching clinical reasoning, patient safety and quality, clinical research, brain injury,
prediction models, decision-making in the Emergency Department, pediatric trauma. Part of UVA's AMPATH Kenya collaboration.
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in comparative public policy and the political economy of development, particularly in India
Research Region:
Specializes in the history of British America and the Atlantic world; space, place, and culture in colonial North America and the Caribbean
Global Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia, Africa, Indigenous North America
Specializes in environmental issues as they intersect with culture, social relations, politics and community development. Has worked in various countries in Africa and Asia, as well as with Native American tribal nations in the U.S., with a special focus on Cambodia.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Indian and Buddhist art, 16th-century Indian painting; early Indian sculpture and architecture; and architecture, sculpture, and painting of the Gupta Period. Professor Emeritus.
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in cybersecurity, foreign relations, national security and international law.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in developing algorithms for optimizing insulin dosing strategies to improve glucose regulation in type 1 diabetes, with a particular focus on people using insulin pens.
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in theoretical phonology and morphology, historical linguistics, Slavic and Balkan linguistics
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
Specializes in environmental engineering and water resources. Co-created the Engineering in Context (EIC) Program, in which he has taught engineeering students with a number of projects in global engineering development (e.g. in Yaounde and Bahmendi, Cameroon, South Africa, Guatemala and Nicaragua).
Environmental Sciences
Research Region:
Indigenous North America, Eastern Europe
Specializes in the arctic tundra of North America and Russia, and the temperate forests of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. In the Arctic, his team is examining the recent dynamics of arctic tundra vegetation in response to changing climate and disturbances, and the effects that these vegetation changes have on other arctic ecosystem properties.
McIntire School of Commerce
Research Region:
Specializes in leveraging innovation and entrepreneurship that will enable underserved communities and developing economies achieve UN Sustainable Developing Goals. Teaches on
Research Region:
Specializes in Egypt, Water, Wastewater, Ethnography
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in the literary culture of northern Indian languages, particularly Urdu and Hindi
Research Region:
Caribbean, Africa
Specializes in Haitian political history
Environmental Sciences
Research Region:
Specializes in high-resolution modeling of traffic pollution in Dakar, Senegal using both land-use regression techniques and chemical transport modeling.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in the interdisciplinary nature of pre-modern Islamic learning, particularly the narrative-poems that reflect the confluence of Greek, Arabic and Persian literary traditions
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the study of gender in literary histories, Brazilian music and nation, the representation of women and gender in picture books, and children's literature in general
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in aesthetics, method, and interpretation (in literature), feminist theory, modernity and postmodernity, genre (especially tragedy), comparative literature, and cultural studies. Teaches half-time at the University of Southern Denmark.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in literature and culture of sixteenth-century France and early modern Europe, gender, sexuality, and queer studies; women’s writing; and the history of religion.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Renaissance art, networks of exchange and trade, and the intersections of art, science and technology in the early modern period
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Africa, Middle East
Specializes in green infrastructure planning, watershed planning and stormwater management and global health and environmental ordinances. She has also worked with UVA projects in the Venda Region of South Africa for 8 years and has participated in other international strategy work for Middle Eastern Countries under a grant from the U.S. State Department.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in modern and contemporary Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx art. She is the author of the award-winning monograph Mexico’s Revolutionary Avant-Gardes: From Estridentismo to ¡30-30! (Yale University Press, 2013). Committed to public-facing work, she has been active as an independent curator for over two decades. She curated the critically acclaimed Relational Undercurrents: Contemporary Art of the Caribbean Archipelago for the Getty Foundation’s Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA initiative in 2017.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the constructive contributions of Catholic and Latinx theologies to notions of justice and aesthetics to the life of democracy and issues of democracy, migration, family, gender, economics (labor and consumption), race and ethnicity, and ecology
Art & Art History
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia, South Asia, Western Europe, Oceania, Africa
A historian of art and the British empire, specializes in a wide array of visual art from the seventeenth century to the present in the Anglophone world including the representation of Indian cave temples, the indigenous and white settler communities of southern Africa, the Macartney expedition to Qing China, and contemporary Aboriginal printmaking in Australia.
Research Region:
Specializes in African American traditional midwifery, starting new comparative project involving English-speaking Caribbean, working on a pilot project to investigate meanings of vaccine refusal in 3-4 countries.
Research Region:
Specializes in media and politics, campaigns and elections, research methods, environmental politics, and the politics of food and is the academic director of the Morven Summer Institute, a member of the UVA Committee on Sustainability, and a co-leader of the UVA Sustainable Food Collaborative
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the history of traditional hallucinogenic plant consumption in Mexico during the colonial period
Research Region:
Specializes in public opinion and comparative foreign policy and utilizes online and survey data to test claims about group identity and inter-group enmity in international relations. His other interests include mass-elite relations in democracies, the patriotism-cosmopolitanism debate and the history of international political thought.
African American and African Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in African American history in global perspective, The Civil Rights Movement, Black Diaspora Music and Cultural Production. Previous work includes work on African-Americans in Ghana.
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Postcolonial Studies, World Literature, Global Anglophone Novel, Literary Forms in the New Media Age, Caste and Dalit Studies, Indian Ocean Literary Worlds, Literature and Human Rights, Technologies of War and Violence, Planetary Humanities
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Chinese language instruction
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in South-South political and cultural movements, particularly among Latin American, African American, and U.S. Latinx writers
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Medieval and early modern French literature; manuscript and book history; readership; digital humanities; literature and war; writing and gender; literary interpretation theory
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
Specializes in the fundamentals of chemically- and electrochemically-driven small molecule transport through polymeric materials in order to engineer membranes that will address global water shortages and need for clean energy. Current focus areas include desalination membranes, ion-specific separations, non-aqueous redox flow battery membranes, and microwave dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Has presented at U.S.-Africa Frontiers of Science, Engineering and Medicine Symposium on the use of polymer materials to address water purification challenges facing the African continent.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the historical development of the Greek language
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe, Africa
Specializes in the social, intellectual and cultural history of the Western Mediterranean, including North Africa, from the Middle Ages through early modernity
Religious Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Nyingma and Bön lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, tantric traditions overall, Buddhist philosophy, and Tibetan historical literature and concerns, particularly from the eighth to fifteenth centuries
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Western Europe, Middle East
Specializes in Transnational Studies, German Literature and Culture, Transnational Literature in Hebrew
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in identification of Parasite Virulence Factors, with a particular research interest in identifying the causal mutations associated with increased pathogen virulence, whether they are genetic changes that cause a gain/loss of function or identifying genes that are the targets of diversifying selection due to either immune evasion or drug selection.
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in causes and consequences of phenomena such as corruption and clientelism, especially as relates to the historical experience of Latin America
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in the fundamental processes (thermodynamic, kinetic, mechanical and optical) that lead to different organic molecule and metal organic framework morphologies, and utilizing this knowledge to create innovative methods of controlling microstructure and phase for pharmaceutical and energy applications. Has done work on using innovative materials to reduce the effects of air pollution in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Media Studies
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in the role of media in identity negotiation among Afro-Latina/os, media-based racialization of Afro-Latina/os, and the performativity and intersections of race and gender, has conducted fieldwork in the Dominican Republic and New York City as part of a continuing ethnographic study on Dominican identity
Research Region:
Indigenous North America
Specializes in state propaganda and material culture in the twentieth-century United States and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Early Modern Music and Sound in Italy, Early Americas and Community Engagement
Research Region:
Specializes in work, professions, workplace gender and racial Inequality, organizations, and quantitative methods and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Environmental History, Migration, the Modern Middle East, the Ottoman Empire, and Public Humanities
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Indigenous North America
The Fralin Museum’s Curator of Indigenous Arts of the Americas, she specializes in Native American historic and contemporary arts, especially of the Plains and Great Lakes regions, 18th-21st century American Indian histories and art histories, the material cultural expressions of sovereignty and treaties, and women’s art production (quillwork, basketry, beadwork).
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in state formation, social theory, science and technology studies, nationalism, sociology of culture, archaeology, art/science studies, and ethnographic methods.
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in German, Yiddish, and comparative literature since the late 18th century, German-Jewish culture, literary theory, translation and transmission of knowledge and texts
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
Specializes in the intersection of sustainability, design, and materials science and was founder of Engineers PRODUCED in Virginia, an initiative which explored the use of state-of-the-art online communication and collaboration solutions for the delivery of undergraduate education to underserved communities.
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in sovereign debt restructuring and contracts, and explores how to help countries in financial distress.
School of Architecture
Research Region:
South Asia
Pankaj Vir Gupta has taught and lectured widely in the U.S.A. and in India. He is the Founder and Co-Director (with Inaki Alday), of the Yamuna River Project, a long-term, interdisciplinary research program whose objective is to revitalize the ecology of the Yamuna River in the mega city of New Delhi, India.
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in German and comparative literature of the late 18th, 19th, and early 20th century; contemporary German literature, Jewish studies, Black German literatures, translation theory and praxis.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in 20th- and 21st-century French and Francophone Literature, Feminist and Gender Theory, Women’s Writing, Autobiographical Writing, French Language and Pedagogy
Research Region:
Western Europe, South Asia
Specializes in Legal History, British, Imperial, and Global History, 1500-1850. Currently writing on Sri Lanka.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in literature, religions, and history of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the Second Temple period, intersections between religion, race, and democracy, and public humanities
Research Region:
Specializes in twentieth and twenty-first century Caribbean literary and cultural studies, with particular focus on narrative innovations in the contemporary Caribbean novel.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in Post Transcriptional Gene Regulation and the Molecular Biology of Human Retroviruses
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Korean language instruction
Research Region:
Specializes in sociocultural anthropology; nationalism, ethnicity and multi-culturalism; museum studies; cultural criticism; symbolic anthropology; history of anthropology; anthropology and literature; culture theory; modern societies; contemporary North America. Teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
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Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in French language instruction.
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Asian regional affairs and US-Asian relations, especially US relations with China
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Japanese language instruction.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in risk and protective factors for SIDS, with particular attention to the disparities.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in late and medieval Latin, as well as Latin palaeography and manuscript studies
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in language, literature, and cultural history of Japan prior to contact with the West with related interests in gender, poetics, ritual practices, comparative historiography, and myth
Religious Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the religions of China, the intellectual history of premodern China, Buddhism in Taiwan, and Buddhist picture books
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in 19th-century Russian literature, Tolstoy, 18th-century Russian literature, medieval Russian literature, literary theory, language pedagogy
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Africa, Western Europe
Specializes in medieval and early modern Euro-Islamic contacts, intercultural contacts in the premodern world, North African and Andalusian studies, world literatures and cultures
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB); pharmacokinetics; clinical application of diagnostics for TB; clinical trials to optimize TB treatment; chronic illness/ TB integration. Has field experience in HIV-drug-resistant TB-endemic areas, including rural South Africa, the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, and Eastern Siberia.
Research Region:
Specializes in African American history, American economic history, and the history of American slavery and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
Research Region:
Western Europe, Eastern Europe
Specializes in 20th Century International, War and Society, Cold War, America and the World, Europe and the World, U.S. Foreign Policy
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in The history of East African religious movements; Indigenous religions, Christianity, and Islam in Western Kenya; Gender and religion in Africa; African indigenous religious rituals; History of religions, theory and method
School of Education and Human Development
Research Region:
Caribbean, East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Anthropology of Education and Anthropology of Childhood, with interest in questions of globalization, early childhood, informal learning, and identity. Has worked in East Asia (Japan, Korea) and currently works in Haiti.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Social and Cultural History of France (19th and 20th centuries), the history of French cultural diplomacy, Contemporary France, France in Global Context, French Colonial and Postcolonial Worlds
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Epidemiologist with expertise in maternal and child health, including research in the Dominican Republic.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in molecular diagnostics, tuberculosis, and global health.
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in constitutional law, comparative constitutionalism, and the Supreme Court.
School of Architecture
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Professor emeritus who specializes in World Buddhist architecture, urban development in East Asia since World War II, and cross-cultural issues in architecture and architectural interactions between the East and the West.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Sanskrit Literature and Poetics, Paninian Grammatical Theory, Literary Translation of Hindi Literature
School of Medicine
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in biodefense and emerging pathogens. Has an ongoing, international collaboration with Infectious Diseases colleagues at the Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan. Studies include a focus on 1) etiologies of respiratory infections in adults and children, 2) identification of biomarkers of gut health, and 3) mechanisms of multi-drug antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Arabic language instruction.
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in political theory and the history of political thought, including war and peace, language and politics, critical theory and conceptual history, empire and postcolonialism, political theology and secularism, comparative political theory, and Arabic and Islamic political thought.
Research Region:
Specializes in field research on biodiversity conservation, community-based development, and grassroots social movements in Tanzania, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, and New Orleans Louisiana
School of Architecture
Research Region:
A visual artist, designer, and Associate Professor of Architecture and Studio Art who specializes in public art. Also teaches in the Global Environments & Sustainability track in the Global Studies program.
Research Region:
Specializes in questions of cultural continuity and transformation, histories of race and racism, interracial intimacy, indigeneity, and the unfolding legacies of settler colonial domination in the Atlantic world, especially in South Africa and the United States.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in approaches to teaching world language, teacher education and mentoring, French for professional purposes,, instructional technology for language acquisition and humanities education, sixteenth-century French literature, history of the book in early modern France
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in Environmental Ethics; Method in Religious Ethics; Religion and Ecology; Christian Social Ethics; Theology and Environmental Sciences; Theology and Economy; Food Ethics; Climate Ethics
Research Region:
Indigenous North America
Specializes in medical anthropology, Native North America, Indigenous Studies, foodways, engaged anthropology, participatory research methods, digital storytelling
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in how popular participation shapes the local policy-making process, including projects that focus on local electoral responsiveness and the design of participatory governance institutions in Brazil
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Indigenous North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe
Specializes in the intersection of architecture and urban design with the processes that shape the natural environment, particularly the potential of architecture and urban design within the frame of extreme climates and the increasing friction between the built environment and the forces shaping our planet. A co-director of the Arctic Design Group (with Leena Cho), his research is pioneering the development of new approaches to the design of cities and buildings in the rapidly changing Arctic and has led to studies of settlements in Arctic regions of Alaska, Canada, Norway, and Russia, with collaborators from a wide range of disciplines.
Research Region:
Specializes in social, political, and environmental history of land use, real estate, and racial inequality in the 20th century United States and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Japanese linguistics and pedagogy, second language acquisition, discourse analysis, socio-phonetics, articulation and advocacy in Japanese language education.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Caribbean, Africa
Specializes in Health Behavior and Health Education. Sexual Health Education. Community Based Participatory Research to advance health equity in underrepresented public housing communities. Culturally respectful research implementation in community and global health. Qualitative and mixed-method approaches to community-based issues.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in North-Western Europe and the Mediterranean world in late antiquity and the earlier Middle Ages, with a concentration upon the period c. CE 700-950
Carolingian Europe; post-Roman Britain; the Viking world; early medieval diasporas; political thought and practice; historiography; travel, cross-cultural communication, and diplomacy
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Early Chinese literature, thought and social history; history of childhood in China; history of women in premodern China
Research Region:
Specializes in a performance approach to ethnographic writing and research and in an ethnographic and critical approach to performing. Since 1986, she has researched the music, dance, daily life, socioesthetics, and cultural politics of forest people (BaAka) in the Central African Republic, and has also written about urban music/dance and modernity in Bangui (the capital city).
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in contemporary political theory, especially issues in analytical and normative theory, and the history of political thought. He teaches courses in both areas: in the history of political thought, focusing on the liberal tradition and Greek political theory, especially Plato; in contemporary, in specific aspects of liberal theory, including problems of political obligation and the theory of John Rawls and Rawls’s critics
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in Latin America, Chile, Working-Class History, History of Gender and Sexuality, Environmental History
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in childhood, education, and the family in political thought, relationship between familial and political authority in English and French political thought from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries
Media Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the intersections between Chinese and US media and technology industries
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe, Middle East
Specializes in Mediterranean Art and Archaeology, particularly Medieval spatial practices, urbanism, community building processes and the material culture of Byzantine non-elites.
School of Nursing
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia, Africa
Professor emerita who specializes in the health, mental health and development of adolescents. Globally, she has had adolescent health projects in Malawi, Hong Kong, and China.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in treating adults with both common and chronic, complex infections. Kosek has spent most of her career working in the fields of public health and medical research in Mexico, Honduras, Brazil and Peru.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the archaeology of pre-Roman Italy. Her research focuses on economic development, connectivity, and urbanization in archaic Etruria, incorporating postcolonial theory to situate Etruscan communities in a wider Mediterranean context and identify Etruscan contributions to widespread Mediterranean economic growth in the 1st millennium BCE.
Research Region:
Latin America, Caribbean, South Asia, Africa
Specializes in American literature, Disability Studies, and world Anglophone literatures. Has recently published on disabilty and human rights in postcolonial/Global South Anglophone literature, including authors from Colombia, India, Nigeria, Haiti, and the US.
Research Region:
Oceania, Africa
Specializes in structural transformation and culture change in the Pacific during the missionary and colonial period and has worked closely with WHIL, the Water and Health in Limpopo research project in South Africa.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Nineteenth-Century French literature and culture; French Cinema; the senses, olfaction, and perfume
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in citizenship practice and local governance, with a regional focus on India
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Greek literature of the Roman Empire
Research Region:
Western Europe, Multiregional
Specializes in Social and Political Thought, Global History, Empires and Colonies, Nations and Nationalism, East-West comparisons
Research Region:
Western Europe, Eastern Europe
Specializes in Modern Europe, Cultural History, Nationalism, Cold War, European Studies
Research Region:
Caribbean, Africa
Specializes in Early Africa, Afro-Atlantic Diaspora, and Environmental History; Food Studies; Health and Development
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in Latinx writing from Early America- the nineteenth century
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Early Modern Europe, Reformation, visual and aural cultures
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Modern Chinese Literature, Non-fiction Literature, Independent and Documentary Film, Revolutionary and Socialist Culture
Research Region:
Specializes in Archaeology of Africa; Iron Age; Swahili archaeology and history; precolonial urbanism; colonialism; household archaeology; craft specialization; collaborative heritage management.
School of Law
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the comparative study of public law and courts and the application of empirical social science methods to the study of legal texts. His scholarship combines qualitative fieldwork on foreign judicial and constitutional systems, quantitative analysis of constitutions and treaties, and regional expertise on Asia.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Africa, Multiregional
Specializes in complex system modeling and simulation and current activity is focused on the design, development, and use of participatory simulation models, including Global Water Games; a participatory simulation of global supply chains for the apparel industry; an agent-based model to assess interventions in the provisioning of clean water to improve the long-term health and growth of children Sub-Saharan Africa.
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in global politics & international relations, international development, and political science. Director of the Global Policy Center at Batten.
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in ideological constructions of nature at the intersection of philosophy, literature, and landscape design, with a special interest in European garden history (particularly in 18th–20th-century Germany). Has lectured around the country and in Germany on the subject.
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in establishing connections between modern Korean literature and other literatures from across the world in ways that overcome colonial power dynamics inherent in various approaches to literary comparison.
Research Region:
Specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations, the Cold War, political economy, and national security.
Research Region:
Middle East
Linguistic anthropologist who specializes in the points of overlap between language, emotion, identity, media, and social power, Israel/Palestine
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Greek history
and Roman history
Environmental Sciences
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia, Oceania, Latin America
Specializes in the ecology of plants, soils, and the atmosphere, though in the past he has studied birds and mammals. His research in tropical systems has centered most recently on Costa Rica and Panama in the Americas and Indonesia in Asia.
School of Architecture
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in emerging architectural issues in contemporary Chinese cities
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Modern Britain and British Empire; science and technology; war and violence; intellectual and cultural
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in environmental issues in developing countries and adaptation to lack of centralized health and sanitation services. Has worked in Senegal, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Uganda.
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in China’s ethnic-frontier affairs in international politics, Chinese-American relations in the 20th century, East Asian international history
Research Region:
An ethnomusicologist, sound curator and artist who works across the disciplines of music, anthropology sound art and composition to develop a series of experiential sound events and international curatorial residencies. Through extensive fieldwork in sub-Saharan Africa, much of his creative practice takes ethnographic sound and music recordings out of archives for re-purposing back among communities.
Research Region:
Eastern Europe, Middle East
Specializes in Jewish history, European history, International history, Human Rights and Genocide history, Legal history
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in 20th-21th century Spanish poetry, theater and poetic performance, Contemplative Pedagogies, Language for the Professions
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
Africa, Middle East
Specializes in sustainability and human needs, engineering and social justice, equity in access to infrastructure services, and
diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM Higher Education. His research seeks to build capacity for sustained access to essential human services, including water sanitation and hygiene, in marginalized communities. He has published on development in Africa and in Iran.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Latin America, Caribbean
Specializes in preventive cardiology, cardiac imaging, outcomes research.
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in Russian foreign policy, Russian politics in comparative perspective, and relationships between international order and political development
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Modern French Poetry and Poetics, Literary Theory, French Literature and Philosophy, Literature and Science, Animal Studies and Eco-criticism
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Arabic syntax and morphology, Classical Arabic Poetry and Literature, Communication and Culture, Performance and Drama
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in using immune biomarkers to predict outcomes of C. difficile infection. His current projects include: improving infection control practices at a hospital in Rwanda, quantifying the cost of C. difficile overdiagnosis, and developing an integrative model using immune biomarkers to predict outcomes of C. difficile infection.
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in advocacy, political science, racial justice and equity, and social entrepeneurship. Her first book Brussels vs. the Beltway (Georgetown University Press) explored how advocates shape public policy in two of the most powerful political systems on the planet: the US and the EU. She conducted fieldwork in 7 conflict zones in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America for her second book Failure and Hope: Fighting for the Rights of the Forcibly Displaced (Cambridge University Press). The book argues we need to advance social entrepreneurship for the 60 million people displaced by violent conflict worldwide. The work inspired the launch of the Refugee Investment Network.
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in galactic structure, kinematics and chemistry, stellar populations, star clusters and dwarf galaxies, galaxy evolution, quasars, interstellar dust, "near-field" cosmology, astrometry, photometry, and spectroscopy, and optical, infrared and radio astronomy. Co-founded VICUNAS (Virginia/Chilean University Network for Astronomy), a partnership between UVA and astronomers at seven Chilean universities.
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in Urban Sociology, Space and Culture, Social Change, Sociology of Religion, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
School of Medicine
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in mucosal immune response to enteric pathogens. Her current research includes understanding the cellular and immune mechanisms that underly environmental enteropathy in children in Bangladesh and patients with recurrent Clostridium difficile infection at UVa.
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Japanese pedagogy, curriculum, and instruction
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Comparative literature 18th-20th centuries, modern German and Austrian literature, women's studies, GDR literature, poetry, narrative and narrative theory, autobiography, cognitive approaches to literature
Research Region:
Specializes in early nineteenth-century South Africa history, especially the history of slavery, South African popular culture, and the history of photography.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in molecular epidemiology of multidrug resistant gram negative bacilli, laboratory detection of gram negative antibiotic resistance, prevention of acquisition of resistant bacterial pathogens and treatment of multi-drug resistant gram negative bacteria. History of work in South Africa and with South African researchers.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Western Europe, Africa
Specializes in Christian thought, esp. Augustine and the Augustinian tradition; religious ethics, esp. comparative religious ethics; religion and culture; religion and politics; evil and sin.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in self assessment in the Italian classroom, ePortfolios and their possibilities, social media and their use in the classroom, Italian language pedagogy, Sherlock Holmes and mystery novels
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in heart failure, cardiomyopathy, cardiac transplantation, mechanical circulatory support, valvular heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, invasive hemodynamics, cardiovascular imaging and outcomes research. In collaboration with clinicians in Zambia.
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in African economic development with particular interests in examining the role of education policies such as free primary education and teacher performance pay programs, as well as the potential for new technologies (especially mobile phones) to spur the development process. Ongoing research projects in East and West Africa.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Epistemology and Applied Ethics
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Ancient Greek Philosophy and has substantial side interests in Contemporary Aesthetics, Epistemology and Applied Ethics.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Multiregional, Africa
Specializes in nutrition and major global infectious diseases; HIV/AIDS; tuberculosis and other respiratory infections; Cryptosporidium and enteric infections
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Medieval German literature, German pedagogy
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in late-medieval French literature and culture
Research Region:
Indigenous North America
Specializes in Native American history, disease history
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Modern Europe, Modern European History of Ideas, Historical Theory/Philosophy of History
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in the cultural forces contributing to the presence of human socialities, cruelty and its double, and poetics of severance in the Antilles and Amazonia. He has worked for many years in Guyana and Brazil with the Waiwai, Wapishana and Macushi
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in cultural psychiatry, ADHD, psychosomatics
Research Region:
Africa, Multiregional
Specializes in intraparty competition, the dynamics of party systems, multiparty government, legislative politics, political institutions, and race, ethnicity, and indigeneity. Has published work on South Africa.
McIntire School of Commerce
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in contemporary Chinese views regarding military strategy, military ethics, and political warfare.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Greek and Roman political and social history, especially as they intersect with (or are illuminated by) law.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Persian Literature and Women's Studies
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Latin poetry, particularly its religious background and affinities with Hellenistic poetics
Environmental Sciences
Research Region:
Specializes in past changes in coastal, marine, and glacial environments and the processes that control those changes, primarily using sedimentological and geomorphological archives.
Research Region:
Specializes in twentieth century United States and how organized interest groups and everyday Americans influence government policy and the terms of political debate. Teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
School of Nursing
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in distributing HPV self-collection tests to women in Nicaragua’s rural Caribbean coast, as well as training providers to recognize and treat cervical cancer lesions using a mobile thermo-ablation procedure.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Arabic language instruction.
African American and African Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in the relationships among education, media, race, global politics and violence in 20th-century decolonial movements in Southern Africa, including Zimbabwe.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Persian language instruction.
Research Region:
Specializes in the rhetorics of storytelling across media and cultures. Mokoko’s work specializes in teaching students to appreciate and value social justice rhetorics across media; to become rhetorically listening writers, readers, and viewers; and to understand how global rhetorics shape and define agency and identification. His research and teaching commitments involve rhetorical theory, composition studies, cultural rhetorics, business writing and creative writing. His dissertation project, Storytelling in Motion: Rhetorical Approaches to Autoethnography, Critical Pedagogy, and African Filmmaking, and other publications expose the marginalization in the education systems of his country, Lesotho, in Southern Africa, which still survives long after the plague of Apartheid, intending to eradicate the residue of colonization. Mokoko’s work draws on the values in the African epistemologies of storytelling, describing and illustrating these principles by showing how storytelling can transform composition pedagogy.
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in transportation systems and travel behavior, seeking to foster equitable, sustainable accessibility in cities and regions. Has done research on bicycle education in Germany, the Netherlands, and Canada.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in sepsis pathophysiology with particular interest in the role of the innate immune system; sepsis pathophysiology, management, and outcomes of HIV infected patients in sub-Saharan Africa.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in literary and cultural studies in 19th and 20th-century Iberia and examines the relationship between labor, gender and the aesthetics of energy in discourses of secularism in Spain in her research.
Media Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in transnational/transcultural fandoms and transnational media co-production and distribution, East Asian film and media, television, and videographic criticism
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Western Europe, South Asia
Specializes in innovation and social entrepreneurship, globally, and has lived and worked in Asia, Europe and North America. Previously, was an assistant professor of entrepreneurship and innovation management at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in twentieth and 21st century French cultural history and film studies, documentary cinema, French national identity, changing attitudes towards the place of rural, colonial, and postcolonial spaces and people, questions of space, place, and viewer experience in contemporary French documentaries
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Ancient Roman literature and its contexts, particularly ancient Latin garden literature, gender, and the poetics of commencement.
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in the nature of regulation: how the law is used (and by whom) to shape and control behavior. His early work addressed how the availability of new technologies alters conceptions of regulation. His current work is on the relationship between public and private regulation. Throughout, his work has retained a focus on the regulation of markets and networks. He has written extensively on the history of trade regulation, from mercantilist England through 20th-century America, with an emphasis on the constitutional dimensions of trade regulation. His work on network regulation ranges from study of common law, common-carriage obligations to regulation of the Internet. Nachbar also works in national security. He has written and taught on a wide variety of national security law topics, including the role of law in counterinsurgency, the law of detention and war crimes.
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Modern South Asia, the partition of India, India-Pakistan-Bangladesh relations, foreign policy, education policy, memory studies, legal history, and oral history
Religious Studies
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Muslim-Hindu interactions in South Asia, Sufism and Islamic philosophy, Qur'anic exegesis, Hindu philosophy and theology, and South Asian religious literatures, primarily in the context of the early modern period, but also including the medieval period
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Hindi and Urdu language instruction.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in enteric bacterial infections, principally diarrheagenic E. coli and Shigella spp, which are major causes of death and growth problems among children in impoverished countries.
Research Region:
Caribbean, Africa
Specializes in built environments of the early modern Atlantic world, with published work on the American South, the Caribbean, and West Africa. His current research engages the spaces of enslavement in West Africa and in the Americas, working to document and interpret the buildings and landscapes that shaped the trans-Atlantic slave trade
Religious Studies
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Indian religions and South Asian intellectual, religious, and cultural history, particularly the philosophy and religious and narrative literatures of the Kashmir Valley of the ninth to twelfth centuries
Media Studies
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the intersection of Anthropology of Technology, Science and Technology Studies (STS), Information Anthropology, ICT for Development (ICT4D), and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and is an ethnographer with fieldwork experience in Havana, Cuba, Guadalajara, Mexico, the favelas of Vitória, Brazil, and in the Appalachian region of eastern Kentucky
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Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in human rights, governance, the rule of law, gender, migration, socio-economic development, and social impact assessment. Co-director of UVA's J-term in Vietnam and previously served as academic coordinator of the Human Rights Masters' Program at Vietnam National University (VNU) School of Law, as well as director of the Center for Development and Integration, a Vietnamese NGO.
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in environmental and spatial portrayals in the works of Indigenous Siberian poets, such as the Khanty author Maria Vagatova. Also teaches Russian, Bulgarian, and Czech.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Eighteenth Century Atlantic World, British Empire
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the intersection of democratic theory and the history of political thought. She focuses on popular sovereignty and borders. She has written about populism, the boundaries of the demos, migration and the right to exclude, the relation between democracy and territorial rights and borders’ moral relevance. She also works on Latin American political thought.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in medieval French hagiography and new technologies
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in the philosophical and artistic dimensions of postcolonial, colonial, and pre-colonial Islamic and indigenous religious traditions of West and North Africa, especially Sufism and Ifa
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in collective memory, critical theory, transitional justice, and postwar Germany
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America, Western Europe
Specializes in Colonial and 19th Century Latin American Literature, and Spanish and Latin American Poetry
Research Region:
Specializes in international politics, including political Islam and transnational political networks.
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in social and political themes in 20th century Brazil; colonial legal history in Mexico among Indigenous people; economic and social history in colonial Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil framed in global terms; comparative legal history in the Western hemisphere. Has taught Global History, spanning 1492 to the present, and is currently teaching global Climate Change as an ethical engagement in the College Fellows program. Has co-directed the Yamuna River Project. Currently involved with Indigenous Studies at UVa and the Democratic Futures Working Group, thinking about democracy in global context.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America, Western Europe, East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the literature and culture of the early modern Hispanic world, particularly questions of empire, space, and cartography, including the role of the Pacific and Asia in Spanish concepts of the New World.
Research Region:
Specializes in international political economy, particularly the influence of politics on global production, and links between globalization and ethnocentrism.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in community understanding of health problems, and how that understanding influences community solutions.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Specializes in nineteenth and twentieth century African art with a particular focus on the early histories of photography in West Africa. Has done research in Senegal, Mali, Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon and the Gambia.
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in German as a foreign language
Research Region:
Multiregional, Middle East, Africa
Specializes in the relationship between public narrative, political rights, and participatory social movements. Works with democratic and human rights activists in the Middle East and North Africa on research and activist projects, including co-founding Syrians for Truth and Justice, a human rights documentation projected centered in Istanbul and Paris and The Twiza Project, an alliance of MENA region university professors dedicated to supporting dialogues on human rights.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in History of Science, History of Mathematics, particularly in North America and Europe
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in the collusive conundrums posed by bringing gender, nation, sexuality, finance, science, media, capital, and aesthetics together, and translated lyric and prose from Sanskrit, Urdu, Hindi and Braj
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in leishmaniasis and immunoparasitology and has done research in Northeastern Brazil
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in the contemporary novel in Latin America, literary theory, and translation
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in epidemiology, microbiology and immunology of enteric pathogens. Has worked in Peru and the Peruvian Amazon.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Multiregional, South Asia
Specializes in immune mechanisms of defense against COVID-19 and enteric (diarrheal) infections
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Ancient Greek religion, Hellenistic poetry, and the interaction between the texts and their historical, religious and social contexts.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Greek epigraphy, Greek religion, and Greek culture and literature, particularly epigram, elegy, and Greek inscriptional poetry
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Islamic Art and Material Culture, Ottoman textiles in particular.
Global Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the intersection of economic development and environmental stewardship and founded Key-Log Economics in Charlottesville and its sister social enterprise, Key-Log Economics Vietnam, in Hanoi. These consultancies provide “research and strategy for the land community” and help government, business, and civil society organizations achieve their conservation, sustainable development, and organizational goals.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in the application of quantitative molecular diagnostics to the epidemiology of enteric diseases in children in developing countries, including revising estimates of pathogen-specific burdens of diarrhea and understanding the impact of early enteric infections on child growth and development. Has published extensively on Africa.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in Health Care for Underserved Populations, Patient Safety, and Alternative Medicine
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in breastfeeding support, adolescence, underserved and cross-cultural populations, palliative care, and home based care for children with medical complexity. Has worked in South Africa.
Research Region:
Specializes in Economic Sociology, Network Theory, Comparative-Historical Sociology, Sociology of Ideas and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in foreign policy, international relations, and international terrorism. He has published on, among other things, the China Silk Road project.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in twentieth century Latin American narrative, specifically indigenista novels, testimonial writing and more recent indigenous literature
Research Region:
Specializes in Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Family, Social Inequality, Gender Studies and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in intersection between music theory and literary and cultural theories, nineteenth-century music, program music, French music at the fin de siècle, Schenkerian analysis, memory studies, Wagner (The Ring, Lohengrin, and Parsifal), the interarts, humor, and the analysis of music-text relations in art song
Environmental Sciences
Research Region:
Specializes in atmospheric chemist with broad interests in air quality, climate, and atmosphere-biosphere interactions. Works in Africa.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in global health policy and governance, qualitative and quantitative research methods, international relations, public administration in low and middle-income countries, global health policy analysis
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in microbial pathogenesis, focused on understanding the interactions of Clostridioides diffcile with intestinal cells and the associated impact on the immune response.
Research Region:
Caribbean, Western Europe, South Asia, Africa
Specializes in Poetry, World Anglophone Literatures, Modern & Contemporary, Modernism, Postcolonial, African, Caribbean, Indian, 20th C American, 20th C Irish, 20th C British
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the theological, philosophical, and scientific ideas that informed the creative decisions of artists living in eastern and western medieval cultures from the third to fifteenth centuries. Research foci: Carolingian manuscript illumination, Norman computus, and late medieval astronomy (in Prague and Vienna)
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Late Imperial and Modern China, Late Imperial Law and Society, Local Government and Administrative Practice, Cultural Revolution Studies
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in Early American international/transnational relations, Atlantic history, race and revolution, Iberian empires, and scholarly editing
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the history of medieval visual culture in England, France and Italy
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Gene Expression; Human Endogenous Viruses; SARS-CoV-2 Protein Trafficking; Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in historical linguistics, sociolinguistics,dialectology, foreign language teaching and pedagogy, phonetics and language endangerment.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East, Africa
Specializes in premodern non-elite Arab history, particularly people with disabilities, users of sign language, Romani groups (ghurabā’), craftspeople, and enslaved laborers and entertainers
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the internal history of the Spanish language
School of Education and Human Development
Research Region:
Specializes in improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and feasibility of functional behavior assessments and function-based interventions in educational settings; and innovations in professional development for teachers of young children with autism and challenging behavior. Has collaborations in Kenya.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the process of appropriation and absorption of Arabic and Jewish knowledge in vernacular Iberian literatures in the Middle Ages.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Latin America
A Latin Americanist and transgender studies scholar who specializes in the entanglements of transgender cultural production and activisms with histories of state violence and terror throughout the Américas
School of Education and Human Development
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in the history of education in the Dominican Republic with an emphasis on the formation of racial and national identities.
Research Region:
Specializes in Multiethnic American, Jewish, Caribbean, Postcolonial, Gender and Sexuality Studies in Literature
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in 18th c. French Literature and Culture: Libertine novels, Theater and the poetics of Theater, Dictionaries, Pamphlets and Polemical Genres, Roland Barthes and other «French Theorists», Representations of sacrifice and self-sacrifice in literature, philosophy and politics during the Age of Reason and the French Revolution, (Mis)representations of America in French literature and culture from the 18th to the 21st century
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in twentieth- and twenty-first-century Latin America and the Caribbean, with a comparative focus on representations of the tropics in literature and culture
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in the archaeology of the Indigenous cultures of Mexico and Central America. His research and teaching interests include Indigenous persistence and sustainability, decolonization, community and public archaeology, materiality and the politics of cultural heritage in the Americas.
Research Region:
Eastern Europe, Western Europe
Specializes in Russia/USSR, Modern Europe, Communism, Genocide
African American and African Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in Swahili Language and Culture
Global Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia, South Asia
Specializes in the emerging dynamics of South-South Development Cooperation, especially after the launch of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRi) in 2013.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Africa, Middle East
Specializes in the intertwining of religious criticism, political aesthetics, and Islamic practice, with a focus on contemporary Africa and the Middle East
School of Law
Research Region:
Latin America, Africa
Specializes in transitional justice, international human rights law, corporate responsibility for human rights violations during conflicts, inter-American human rights system, and economic, social and cultural rights.
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in gender and globalization and explores the ways in which emotions, bodies, and embodiment blend with markets, institutions, and systems as broad as global capitalism and sexism in the Global South, with a particular focus on Turkey.
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Japanese pedagogy
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Gallo-italian dialectology, French phonetics (articulatory and perceptual), phonological variation, historical linguistics, applied linguistics, languages in contact, French sociolinguistics, French lexicography and foreign language learning
Research Region:
Western Europe, East & Southeast Asia, Middle East
Specializes in comparative budgetary, fiscal, and macroeconomic policy, with an emphasis on the United States, the European Union, Iraq, and Japan
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Arabic language instruction.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia, South Asia
Specializes in the narrative and poetic literature of Buddhism in Tibet, India, and the Himalayan Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan, and more broadly in the literary and religious cultures of Buddhism
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in cognitive and developmental outcomes of children with malnutrition and enteric disease around the world
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis, sepsis/septic shock, adenosine receptors, inflammation, innate immunity, anthrax, vaccines
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in German autobiography, memoir, GDR literature, Lyric Judaic studies, feminist theory/ies
Research Region:
Cultural medical anthropologist who specializes in how people construe and negotiate ethical problems of care, Uganda
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Contemporary German Literature; German Romanticism; Science, Media and Technology; Environmental Studies
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Caribbean, Africa
Specializes in African diaspora religions of the Caribbean and Latin America, and particularly festivity and ritual.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, Biblical Hebrew, and Senses in the Ancient World.
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the politics and political economy of Japan in comparative context
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in questions of international security. Has published on, among other things, the nuclear threat from North Korea and Iran.
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Modern Korea, Japanese Empire, East Asian Environmental History, Borderlands and Historical Geography
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in development economics and applied microeconomics, causes and consequences of water scarcity and pollution, and issues related to gender-based violence. Her other interests are higher education, skilled labor markets, and state capacity in developing countries. Has conducted extensive field-work in India.
Research Region:
Western Europe, Africa
Specializes in Modern France and French empire, Modern Europe, Algeria and North Africa, comparative empires, cultural history, visual and material cultures
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in international law, including international environmental law and counterfactual diplomatic history.
School of Architecture
Research Region:
Specializes in examining dynamic cultural and environmental processes in architectural design, ranging in scale from human physiology to global energy flows
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Specializes in emission market and auction design, environmental federalism, and early childhood intervention to enhance school readiness.
Environmental Sciences
Research Region:
Africa, Latin America, East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in simulation modeling of forest ecosystems. Has published on research in Mozambique, China, and the Amazon.
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in Multiethnic American, South Asian, postcolonial, and Global South literatures
African American and African Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in Francophone Central Africa, transnational migration, urban Africa, and national identities
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Western Europe, Middle East
Specializes in early and Medieval Christianity; religious and cross-cultural interaction in Late Antiquity; biblical interpretation; theories of gender, sexuality and the body; ritual purity; monasticism and asceticism; book culture
Research Region:
Latin America
Linguistic anthropologist who specializes in the Zapotec language of Southern Mexico
Research Region:
Multiregional, Eastern Europe
Specializes in inequality, political polarization, and the politics of national belonging in an interconnected world. In her dissertation, titled The Art of Westernizing: Nationalism, Globalization, and the Politics of Public Art in Post-Soviet Lithuania, she examines the relationship between art and politics, particularly in the context of decolonial national movements in the post-Soviet region. Her recent collaborations involve studies on related dynamics pertaining to art and politics in other international contexts (e.g., Lebanon, South Korea, and Argentina). In another line of research, she investigates barriers to the equitable delivery of public services in the U.S.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in 20th & 21st Century French literature and Cultural Studies from the Revolution to present, Digital Humanities, teaching with technology, e-portfolios in second language acquisition, Visual Studies
African American and African Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in the history of U.S. empire, military occupation, visual culture, gender, labor and resistance. Her current book project uses a broad range of archival material to investigate women’s lives during the 20th-century U.S. military occupation of Haiti (1915-1934).
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in capitalism, the environment, and science and technology, current research examines the American sugar empire of the late nineteenth century, showing how corruption and monopoly power in the United States were shaped by struggles for control of labor and nature in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Hawai'i
African American and African Studies
Research Region:
Caribbean, Latin America
Specializes in the nexus of race, religion and citizenship as they pertain to the spiritual and sociopolitical trajectories of Afro-descendant Muslims in the Colombian Pacific. Fieldwork experience in Colombia and Trinidad and Tobago.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Specializes in the engagement of Indigenous peoples with the institutions of art, with a particular methodological focus on the role of Indigenous communities in curating their own art histories. Curator of the Indigenous Arts of Australia at the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University of Virginia
Research Region:
Specializes in human rights, political thought, ethics, and international relations.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Director and curator of the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection at the University of Virginia and conducted fieldwork in central Australia from 1991-1993. Has taught various courses on Aboriginal art at U.Va. since 2003.
Art & Art History
Research Region:
Western Europe, Africa
Specializes in Mediterranean Art and Archaeology, particularly ancient Greek vase painting, the iconography of performance and the relationship between art and religion
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Research Region:
Africa, Multiregional
Specializes in sustainable point-of-use water treatment technologies for the developing world and their impact on human health, the disinfection properties of zero-valent nano-silver and nano-copper particles, organic vapor transport in the vadose zone, low-impact development (LID) teachnologies for stormwater runoff, the fate and transport of emerging environmental pollutants, the engineering properties of organoclays, and bacterial transport and chemotaxis in porous media. He is the founder of PureMadi, a not-for-profit organization working to solve global water and health problems by working at the interface of water, societal, and human health disciplines. He is also a member of the Water and Health in Limpopo (WHIL) program in collaboration with the University of Venda in Thohoyandou, South Africa.
Religious Studies
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in New Testament and Early Christian Literature, Christian Apocrypha, Apocryphal Acts, Ancient Greek Popular Literature, Religions of Roman Empire
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in romantic poetics, periodical press, and Catalan nationalist discourse in 19th century Spain
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in Polish language instruction and Russian and Eastern European film and literature.
School of Law
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes international business, international dispute resolution and comparative law, with an emphasis on Soviet and post-Soviet legal systems. He worked in Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Albania and Slovakia on behalf of the U.S. Treasury and in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan on behalf of the International Monetary Fund. Founder of the Center for International & Comparative Law in the School of Law.
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Italian and Mediterranean visual and print cultures in the medieval and early modern eras
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in Slavic literature with an emphasis on the intersection between literature, medicine and mental illness and explores the function of the mental institution in 19th- and 20th-century Russian literature.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in procedural competency, technology in education, “flipping the classroom,” COVID-19, emergency care in low resource settings, global health, climate change and emergency medicine education. Part of UVA's AMPATH Kenya collaboration.
Research Region:
South Asia
Specializes in development economics, political economy, and public economics, with a particular focus on corruption, governance, and the delivery of public benefits and services. Has published extensively on India.
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
Research Region:
South Asia, Middle East
Specializes in Middle East studies, South Asia studies, world film history, sound studies, visual culture, postcolonial theory, and contemporary literature
Media Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in money and other media technologies and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
Research Region:
Specializes in Muslim communities in Africa, with an emphasis on the Sahel region of West Africa, the transmission and circulation of knowledge, shifts in epistemology, and the changing social, political, and intellectual roles of Muslim scholars over time.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
South Asia, East & Southeast Asia, Africa
Specializes in developing molecular diagnostic assays to detect enteric pathogens that cause diarrhea and malnutrition. Her focus is to develop assays on platforms that can be used in low resource settings such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Thailand to study etiology of diarrhea and vaccine efficacy.
Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in health policy in the U.S and Latin America
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in all aspects of adult cardiac surgery, including coronary artery disease, valvular disease, surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation, mechanical circulatory support, heart transplantation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. In collaboration with clinicians in Zambia.
Research Region:
Oceania, Western Europe
Specializes in British economic, US business and economic, and international economic histories and the history of Australia
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Africa, South Asia, East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in pediatric tuberculosis: epidemiology and biomarkers for diagnosis/prognosis
School of Nursing
Research Region:
Specializes in the use of Appreciative Inquiry as an approach to community centric work in rural South Africa.
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Cultural anthropologist who specializes in the interactions between globally circulating ideologies of improvement around health and governance and on-the-ground ethics of care in family intimacies in Indonesia, most notably in connection to anti-corruption efforts and HIV-related LGBTQ activism.
Research Region:
Specializes in understanding the molecular components and signaling pathways that govern the interaction of the parasitic angiosperms Striga and Alectra with their host species; the phytohormonal and developmental regulation of secondary metabolism in plants, with a particular emphasis on nicotine and related alkaloids in tobacco; the development and use of herbal and probiotic-based therapeutics and nutraceuticals for the treatment of human disease. Works with African breeders and growers and training African scientists in his lab at U.Va. in the use of modern molecular breeding techniques to combat the parasitic plant, Striga gesnerioides.
Slavic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in Russian literature and culture of the 20th century, Polish literature and culture of various periods, Literature, ideology, and history, Soviet communism, The Gulag: Its history, literature, and propaganda
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in the development and disintegration of complex, state-level societies, and long-term sociocultural dynamics, centered on the ancient Near East and northern Mesopotamia, specifically southeastern Turkey and northern Syria, ancient food production systems, long-term environmental change, and the so-called collapse of some of the world’s first states at the end of the Early Bronze Age (ca. 2200 BCE)
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in second language acquisition, Chinese language pedagogy, teacher development, task-based language teaching, online language teaching and learning.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in the Enlightenment, especially Voltaire, colonial Louisiana (1710-1803), the satirical tradition, French aesthetics, and the history of New Orleans
Research Region:
Eastern Europe
Specializes in problems of disarmament, international negotiations, national negotiating styles, nationalism and ethnic conflict, societies in transition, politics in Russia and the post-Soviet region, U.S. – Russian relations.
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in understanding and designing solutions to support the ways in which people manage health at home and in the community. Human Factors Engineering, Consumer Health IT, Culturally Informed Design, Co-Design, Inclusive Design, Mixed Methods, Health Equity, Community-Based Participatory Research
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe, Latin America
Spanish-language poet and scholar of 20th & 21st century Spanish poetry
Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in Hispanic linguistics, especially linguistic variation in Late Latin and Early Romance (Castilian, Leonese, and Portuguese), the consolidation of verb-object in Hispano-Romance, and the sociolinguistic milieu pertaining to the writing practices of the Iberian notaries of the High Middle Ages (eighth to thirteenth century)
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in public international law, banking and financial regulation, and international economic relations.
School of Law
Research Region:
Specializes in comparative constitutional law, public international law and empirical legal studies. Has done research into the world's constitutions to better understand how constitutional rights are enforced in different countries. Director of the Human Rights Program. Has taught in Germany and Israel.
Research Region:
Specializes in race, immigration, and processes of minority adaptation to American society and teaches in the Global Commerce in Culture and Society track in the Global Studies Program.
African American and African Studies
Research Region:
Specializes in the dream of African American Liberation in segregationist South Africa, Albert Luthuli, Zulu Cultures and the making of the modern Atlantic World, worldwide African diaspora
Global Studies
Research Region:
Latin America
Specializes in migration, medical anthropology, Latin America, and journalism/creative nonfiction, with particular focus on US/Mexico border relations.
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in the formation of the modern state, the political economy of economic development, the politics of authoritarian survival, democratic transitions, and democratic breakdowns, the political resource curse, political outcomes in the post-Arab Spring Middle East, and the long-term consequences of labor-repressive agriculture in Iraq and the American South
Research Region:
Africa, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America
Specializes in how liberal democracies can become more inclusive and just. Her current book project is on multiculturalism and women's rights in France, Canada and South Africa. She previously published on women's rights in South Africa, Poland, and Chile.
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in the analysis of state-market relations, the sociology of the bureaucratic state, development, corruption, and the rise of global China
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Chinese culture and language instruction.
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Chinese language instruction
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in the archeology of large-scale societies, particularly those in the ancient Middle East
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in European Romanticism and Enlightenment, European Intellectual History, Media Studies, Social and Cultural Theory
Research Region:
South Asia, East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in political economy, political ecology and environmental issues, historical anthropology, and science studies, kinship, gender, and sexuality. Has done fieldwork and archival research in North America, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Research Region:
Middle East
Specializes in Early Modern Ottoman Empire and Mediterranean, social, legal, and diplomatic history
McIntire School of Commerce
Research Region:
Specializes in corporate finance and sustainable business practices and teaches in the Global Environments & Sustainability track in the Global Studies program. He has led study-abroad trips to more than 30 countries over the past 10 years. A former Fulbright scholar, he speaks fluent German and currently holds a visiting professorship in environmental economics at the Technische Universität Dresden.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in opera, classical music, and folk music of the U.S. and Europe
Art & Art History
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Buddhist art of Medieval China
School of Medicine
Research Region:
Specializes in Molecular and Signaling Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscle Plasticity
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in modern and contemporary Japanese literature, and is especially interested in questions concerning aesthetics and cosmopolitanism
School of Medicine
Research Region:
South Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa
Since 2000, Yemen has been working with The Virginia Children’s Connection, a non-profit medical volunteer organization started to meet the vast need for facial and reconstructive surgery in rural India due to cleft lip and cleft palate birth defect rates. He also gave a paper entitled “Morbidity and Mortality in Pediatric Anesthesia” in 2003 to the Departments of Anesthesia and Surgery at Raunchi Medical College in Raunchi, India.
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in foreign-language pedagogy, with a particular emphasis on high-leverage teaching practices, cultural dimensions of foreign language teaching and foreign-language teacher education. Teaches Chinese.
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in modern world history, 20th century U.S. history, and American foreign policy. He has previously published on statecraft in Germany and Europe.
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in Imperial China, especially the Song dynasty (960-1279), culture and society, family, filial piety, biji writing, literati culture, cultural geography
East Asian Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Research Region:
East & Southeast Asia
Specializes in teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language; teacher training; translation theories and practices
Germanic Languages & Literatures
Research Region:
Western Europe
Specializes in 21st-century transnational German literature and theories related to trauma, memory and futurity.