Directions to Global Grounds

Directions to Global Grounds

Visiting Hotel A

Please use the below information for parking and directions to the Office of Global Affairs at Hotel A:

The Central Grounds Parking Garage (circled on the below map) is the closest designated parking area to Hotel A, located under the University Bookstore at 400 Emmet Street. Hourly parking can be paid for by using the ParkMobile app. If you have additional questions about parking, please feel free to contact the Parking and Transportation Office at [email protected] or by calling 434-924-7231 for more information.

Hotel A (also circled on the below map) is located alongside McCormick Road, directly across from the University Chapel, and across the street from Shannon Library. If you are facing the Rotunda from University Avenue, Hotel A is located just to the right. In addition to the below map, you will also find photos of the front of Hotel A for your reference. There is a large plaque on the front door that reads “Hotel A Global Grounds.”

Map of UVA with parking and Hotel A circle
Hotel A from the front
Hotel A door with sign that reads "Hotel A Global Grounds"


I hope this information helps. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. 


The Office of Global Affairs

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