Student Dinner and Discussion: War in the Middle East


Student Dinner and Discussion: War in the Middle East

Cover Image for Event

The Karsh Institute of Democracy is hosting a dinner for interested students from across Grounds to participate in an informal, off-the-record conversation about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Facilitated by UVA faculty members, the dinner will allow students to ask questions, share their perspectives, and learn about different points of view within the context of constructive dialogue and active listening. The goal of the gathering is to create a space where students can have open conversations with one another in a nonjudgmental and curious way. 

This event will take place on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 5:30pm at the Bond House. If we experience high demand for this event, we will plan for future dinners covering the same topic. 

Application deadline Jan. 25, 2024

Event Start Date
Bond House