Global Futures Symposium


Global Futures Symposium

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For the third consecutive year, UVA's pan-university Global Studies Program will host its annual Global Futures Symposium on Thursday, April 25 from 1:00 - 6:00 PM in the Newcomb Hall Ballroom. Global Studies majors and other students in Global Studies courses showcase their research in poster sessions and oral presentations, along with alumni panels and networking.

This event will bring together students, alumni, faculty, and interested others in a mix of professionalism and conviviality. It will feature student research projects, career roundtables, research prizes and a Global Studies mixer/reception. Attendees will have the opportunity to showcase their accomplishments; connect, catch up, and network with each other; and eat, drink, and be merry together.

Event Start Date
Event End Date
Newcomb Hall Ballroom