For the love of language


For the love of language

Giovanna de Almeida

More than 395 UVA students took virtual language classes this summer which included French, Italian and Spanish. Among them was Giovanna de Almeida, a 4th year student majoring in Psychology and minoring in Sociology. She had originally planned to do the UVA in Lyon program in the summer, before it got cancelled due to COVID pandemic. Instead, she enrolled in a virtual summer language class and enjoyed learning a new language

How did you decide to take a virtual language class?

De Almeida: I left UVA in spring to return to my home in Brazil and have been taking virtual classes since then. I wanted to take a course that would not feel overwhelming, and that I would actually be passionate about the subject. I also wanted to make sure that I wouldn't lose the proficiency and exposure to the language during the summer.

What course did you enroll in and what were some of the rewards and challenges?

De Almeida: I took FREN 3034 (advanced oral expression in French). There were many rewards! Overall, my proficiency in the language increased exponentially, given the high exposure that I had to the language. I also explored different themes and had important conversations about things that were going on in the world. Specifically, I learned a great deal about what was going on in France/Francophone countries and about the French/Francophone culture as a whole. Some of the challenges were handling all the assignments and submitting them over a short period of time.

How did you get interested in French and what are some of the ways you plan on using your new proficiency?

De Almeida: I got interested in French because I think it is a very pretty language and because it is kind of similar to my native language, Portuguese. I started taking classes at UVA in the Spring of 2019, and I've taken FREN 1010, 1020, 2010, and 3034 so far. I plan to use my love for languages by travelling and perhaps living in a different country in the future. Overall, just being able to listen to music and watch and consume French media as a whole is already an achievement for me.

What would be your advice to someone exploring taking a language course?

De Almeida: Language courses at UVA are different from anything I've ever seen before. They definitely make sure you learn the language you're studying. And summer language courses are particularly dynamic and fun!